Hi there,
I came across your blog today and find it exciting. I love anything and everything about designer handbags and am thrilled to relate to other ladies who love authentic designer bags. I would rather die than be seen in a knock-off. Here's some from my collection.
I started buying designer bags in 2001 after a year in the IT industry. My first purchase was a red Furla. Bought from Furla boutique in KLCC at a 60% discount. This one costed me RM400++. I can't remember the exact figure.
Then for my wedding in 2003, my husband bought me a brown Escada. I think this one was between RM1700-1900.
After that my obsession became an addiction. I just had to have more designer handbags. So I started to save on other things and splurged on handbags and shoes.
Here are some that I have now. I just had to have 1 from every designer but my main obsession and addiction is of course, Louis Vuitton. I consider myself an LV beginner, so right now, I am saving up to buy all the LV essentials (must-haves) and classics like the Speedy, Neverfull, Alma and Keepall and Carryall for those overseas trips. I managed to buy 3 essentials this year. Details below. Besides, my limited fund only allows for LV essentials now, not the limited editions/collections. Hehehe.
I bought this Gucci horsebit hobo in Red from the Gucci boutique in KLCC , also at a discount. I think it was just RM1800.
The classic Dior with front and side pockets is fabulous for everyday use. I got it from Harrods, London. I remember after conversion, it costed around RM3500.
Then, I got myself the Salvatore Ferragamo at the Heathrow airport. I think it is about RM2100.
The orange leather Coccinelle was bought in David Jones, Adelaide at about RM1800.
Both of my Juicy Couture handbags were bought online at neimanmarcus.com. This was before the store in Pavilion was opened. I cannot remember the prices but JC handbags are inexpensive and really cute. I use the Juicy Couture Daydreamer Velour as diaper bag for my 3 young kids. I rarely use the Juicy Couture Metallic hobo because it is too funky for my wardrobe which consists mostly of classics.
In 2008, I bought 3 pieces of LV handbags - my LV Neverfull GM is RM2850 and the LV Tivoli GM is RM4850 and Alma is RM3600++. All 3 were bought from LV StarHill, KL. Sadly my Alma was stolen when two robbers broke into my house in March. They got away with all my diamonds and gold jewelry, watches and Alma. Sob! Sob!
I recently purchased an LV zippy coin purse. It's RM1150. And I am currently using a Gucci wallet (RM1900). Also in the picture is my Lulu Guinness vanity bag. Got it from Selfridges, London.
Right now I am still in my quest to obtain more Louis Vuitton handbags. I am saving up and hopefully I will have enough to purchase everything in my LV Wish List.
Cheers & regards,
~bag.aholics~: Oh my.Tumpang sedih bila baca part kena robbed tu.I'm not a big fan of red but your Gucci nampak lain daripada yang lain.And i love your Lulu Guinness vanity bag. Sangat cute! LV, of course, sangat classic :)
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