So long, i have been dreaming carrying a large designer bag. But, obviously, large bag means extra-large of money. As for me, cash/ handful some of money are always greater than a price of a bag even though they are literally the same value. You know what i mean.For that reason, i always have to think millions/zillions times before i get this one piece of My Dior. Well, I started thinking of it 2 months ago after I am bit satisfied with my current savings (so far alhamdulillah). Thus, i had extra budget to put aside for a handbag. However, It was never my intention to buy My dior. Instead, i was drooling for LV Tivoli GM which in Dublin costs around 800-900eur. So, I asked my personal shopping advisors. First, was my truly husband just ask to grant the permission and secondly, my best shopaholic friend my mama which of course she said yess belilah cantik tuh. Fine...But, one thing im a bit devastated about is that LV Tivoli GM only comes in one color which is the brown classic monogram. Sigh. I am sick of brown bags. Then, I went to gucci store, it was summer sale 50% off. I just love the Hysteria Large Top handle. There were two, one with beige/ebony GG fabric (450eur) and the other very detail quilted black leather(900eur). I never like yang beige/ebony because the materials look like plastik, i always prefer fine leather tapik 900eur ermm maybe not this time..........panjang pulak citer nak smpi My dior. Oklah, straight to the point.
Finally, I bought this My Dior Medium Pocket Bag whichh i totally LOIKEEE it. I chose white because I want to keep it exclusive for very selected event. Plus, i dont have white. This bag also designed with fine leather inner lining. I bought it at Bicester Village, London for 600pounds.
Finally, I bought this My Dior Medium Pocket Bag whichh i totally LOIKEEE it. I chose white because I want to keep it exclusive for very selected event. Plus, i dont have white. This bag also designed with fine leather inner lining. I bought it at Bicester Village, London for 600pounds.
Fadzwani Basri.
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