Firstly I would like to apologize to everybody because I have really forgotten to inform you about the most important news in the world (besides the sudden death of MJ, of course).
It's the COACH SALE!!
Thank god if you are already aware about it.
But just in case you haven't, then here's the scoop.
The sale has actually started on the 28th May 2009. Don't panic, it's not over yet, as it is extending until 1st August 2009.
And no, not all sales items are gone yet silly.. they're plenty more in store!
In fact, I was very surprised because last week, they actually put up a whole bunch of different collections for sale.. I mean, during the first month of the sale, it was only the Penelope, Leah and Zoe Collection that were put up as 30% and 50% off. But last week, the Cricket, Parker and Bonnie Collection were on the shelf !! Yahooo!!!
Without further delay, here are some of the pictures that I managed to snap in Coach KLCC boutique (thanks Joe - my favourite SA for letting me snap some pics! *wink* )
Here's the Cricket Collection, leather and very lightweight! About RM1000 after 30% discount!
Here's the patent leather tote (pink, silver and navy blue), super lightweight too, also about RM1000 after 50% discount!
And these Zoes (pink, silver), RM1250 after 50% discounts!
The lovely Bonnie collection, about RM1000 after 30% discounts.
Gorgeous swingpacks, less than RM1000 after 30% discounts.
There're more actually, the wallets, wristlets, mini skinnies, coins purse and men's wallet too.
So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get yourself there!
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